• +256 (0) 200901387 / +256 (0) 200954761
  • smiles@ruralsmiles.org
Rural Smiles Foundation Joins Kitara Civil Society Organizations' Network (KCSON)

We are thrilled to announce that Rural Smiles Foundation has been officially approved as a member of the Kitara Civil Society Organizations' Network (KCSON)! This milestone marks a significant step forward in our journey to create positive change in our community.

As a member of KCSON, we will now have access to a network of like-minded organizations, opportunities for collaboration, and resources to support our work. This membership will also provide a platform for us to amplify our voice and contribute to the collective efforts of civil society organizations in the region.

We are eager to work together with KCSON and its member organizations to address the pressing issues facing our community. Our membership in KCSON is a testament to our commitment to collaboration, learning, and growth.

What does this mean for Rural Smiles Foundation?

- Access to a network of civil society organizations in the region
- Opportunities for collaboration and resource sharing
- A platform to amplify our voice and contribute to collective efforts
- Enhanced credibility and recognition for our work

What's next?

We will be participating in KCSON's upcoming events and meetings, where we will have the opportunity to connect with other member organizations and explore ways to work together. We will also be contributing to KCSON's advocacy efforts and supporting their initiatives.

Stay tuned for updates!

We will be sharing updates on our journey with KCSON and the impact of our membership on our work. Follow us on social media to stay informed!

A huge thank you!

We would like to extend our gratitude to the KCSON Board of Directors for approving our membership application. We are honored to be part of this network and look forward to working together to create positive change in our community.


Kitara Civil Society Organizations' Network (KCSON) is a network of civil society organizations operating in the Bunyoro and Rwenzori sub-regions. KCSON aims to promote collaboration, learning, and growth among its member organizations, and to amplify their voices on issues affecting the community.

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