• +256 (0) 200901387 / +256 (0) 200954761
  • smiles@ruralsmiles.org

Health and Health Rights

We ensure health rights and access to health services in a fragile setting.

Emergency Response

When disasters occur, Rural Smiles Foundation provides emergency responses to ensure that basic human needs are met.

Digital Rights

We advocate for digital rights through policy analysis, research advocacy, community awareness and investing in technology programs.

We Empower Communities to Sustain Themselves

Rural Smiles Foundation is a Youths and women centered non-profit organization whose mandate is to advance and advocate for Health rights, digital rights and economic empowerment among vulnerable persons in Uganda. We currently operate in Uganda and we are implementing projects in health & nutrition, water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), livelihoods & resilience, education and child protection.

Recently added causes

Raised: $500

Goal: $35,000

Empower Girls in Uganda with Menstrual Health

In Uganda, the vast majority of women and girls use homemade alternatives to manage their menstruation and lack access to proper menstrual health education. As a result, 70% of adolescent girls in Uganda cite menstruation as a major hindrance to their optimal performance at school. An innovative solution has proven to be key: sustainable menstrual health girls can count on.

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